Thursday, February 17, 2005

Today's Spending

I had today off, which meant catching up on things that had been put off for the past few weeks because of long hours of work. One good thing about working a lot of hours, is you make a lot of money and don't have much time to spend it.

So in addition to the comics I bought today at the shop I got:

The Greatest American Hero Season 1

I remember loving this show as a kid, though to be honest the only thing I can remember about it is the fantastic theme song "Believe it or not, I'm walking on air!" I can hardly wait to see how the show stands up after all these years have passed.

From Amazon I received:

Owly The Way Home

Planetes Book 4.2

Tramps Like Us Book 4

Which are all books I've been wanting to read, but had not been able to track them down for various reasons.

Of course not everything was comics related, as I got a cool haircut (though at $30 it had better be a good one!) and bought me some great looking shirts at JC Penney's on sale at $6.77 for regular $40 shirts.

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