Wednesday, November 02, 2005


I picked this book up on a whim today. I had the day off so was looking at one of the local shops, and just thought I'd give it a shot.

A quick synopsis, is this is a story about a beautiful young woman, whose scientist husband is way too obsessed with superheroes and their youth. He invents a protective outer shell to try to become one, but things go bad for him, though not much better for his wife

As with a lot of writer Grant Morrison's writing, there are a lot of non-sensical parts. Sometimes that works, as you don't want to talk down to your audience, and have everything explained to them.

Yet other times, as is the case here, one can't help but wonder at the whys. And not in a "I can't wait to see why that happened." way, but in a "Why on Earth would that happen?" confusion way.

Still the thing that struck me most, was the overriding point of emphasis on the scientist's very scary obsession with youth and superhero porn. While the book itself has its lead nearly naked for much of the book, seeming to cater to that very obsession.

Leaving me wondering if it was feeding a certain audience or trying to show that audience how weird they are.


James Meeley said...

"Leaving me wondering if it was feeding a certain audience or trying to show that audience how weird they are."

Maybe... it was a little bit of BOTH? With comic sales not exactly at a high point, it wouldn't strike me as odd to see them trying to cater to as many potential audinces as they can.

fotArte said...

I like this page.

Ragnell said...

Hey, man. I strongly suggest you pick up the second issue.

Pay very close attention to how the main character is drawn, and how the other female characters are. Note the posture, also. (And do this before you read my own review of it)

Trust me on this one.